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Your Weekly Multi-Cloud News and Updates

The Cloud Pod podcast is a great way to stay informed about the latest cloud news and trends. Each episode features interviews and discussions with cloud experts, leaders and industry professionals to explore the latest cloud security developments, cloud management strategies and cloud computing technologies. Listeners can learn the latest trends, insights and best practices from leading cloud and technology experts. The Cloud Pod is the perfect podcast for anyone looking to stay up to date on the latest cloud news, cloud security and cloud podcast topics.

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291: AWS, GCP and Azure eat KRO

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Cloud News Shows

Twas the night before Re:Invent – Ep 49

AWS is getting ready for the biggest event of the year, Re:Invent 2019 in Las Vegas.  Your Co-Hosts do their best to guess what AWS may announce, we cover some preannouncement news, and more! 

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Import Existing Resources into The Cloud Pod – Ep 48

Docker sells off its enterprise business to Mirantis. Amazon gets upset with the pentagon and launches a data exchange. Azure wins a lucrative contract and github actions.  Google buys cloudsimple complicating things for the VMWare on Azure offerings. 

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